Legend: BLUE-open, RED-closed, GREEN-by donation
Click here to view the accidental yogist's map of los angeles yoga studios in a full-size page

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

now it's your turn to write!

i'm trying to get past a bad case of writer's block -- call it too much activity, too much to write about, not knowing where to start :(

so how about i switch places with you for now and read what YOU have to say?

here's the deal. i've been asked by the people at platial if i've ever gotten any feedback on how useful my map is. and honestly, i don't think i ever have. of course, i know how useful it is to me, but i really don't know how useful it is to any of you.

yes, i know it can take forever to load, but when it finally appears, have you ever tried accessing any of the detail in it -- either by clicking on the link on the map itself where it says "click here for entire listing" or below the map where it says "click here to get full access"?

and then when you did (or if you're just doing it now for the first time),

did you find a yoga studio you were looking for?
or one that you didn't realize was near you?
did you click on a random studio and, on a whim, decide to take a class there?
or were you just amazed at how many yoga studios there are in LA?

i would love to hear anything you have to say -- questions, comments, corrections, whatever. you can either post a comment here or email me directly at joni {at} accidentalyogist {dot} com.

in the meantime, i'll keep plugging away at my yet-to-be-written post...