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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

work exchange opportunities

if you find the cost of attending regular yoga classes somewhat prohibitive, you may want to consider putting in some volunteer hours in exchange for free classes. here are some recent want ads that i've found in my inbox:

rising lotus (posted 1/18):

Rising Lotus is looking for a few good Yogis to help behind the desk in exchange for Yoga classes.
We need help at various times in the week. Please enquire at the desk or email info@risinglotusyoga.com for more details.

liberation yoga

before you read on, note this follow-up message from christine (posted 1/18):

We are overwhelmed and grateful for your speedy and heartfelt responses. The fact that so many of you are looking to improve your lives with more yoga is wonderful and inspiring and in addition that you would want to be part of Liberation in that way truly touches us. Due to the volume of responses and the fact that every one of you sounds perfect our job is difficult. By early next week we should have it sorted out. Please know that we will keep all of your information for future work exchange opportunities should this one pass you by at this time. Again thank you so much and we will be in contact soon~

now here's the original want ad (posted 1/17):

Hello friends! We have a few positions open and are actively seeking a few very energetic, committed, responsible yogis in need in need of yoga in exchange for work. Our preference is someone who has some experience with Liberation in that they are already an ongoing student or wish to become one. People applying must be practicing yoga already or beginning a regular practice. We are hiring ASAP so please respond quickly!

Please read on for details and contact Christine via email at christine@liberationyoga.com.

Mat Washer Needed!
This position, which is essential to the hygenic functioning of Liberation, to which we are very committed, is one that is simple but physical in nature. It would require approximately 3 hours a week of your choosing and is for someone who enjoys being outside! When inquiring please say "Mat Washer" in the subject line. Thank you!!

Zen Maintenance~
Another wonderful position that is available is that of Zen Maintenance. It is very important that the studio be tucked in each night in an orderly way and this an important position at Liberation. This job consists of coming in 3 nights a week to help with the closing work. That is sweeping the floor, folding the blankets, organizing props (in and out) etc. We need someone who doesn't mind physical work and can commit to 3 nights at 1 1/2 hours. Please write "Zen Maintenance" in the subject line when you apply for this position. Thank You!

Front Desk Position~
We are looking for someone who is available on Mondays from 11:00am-6:00pm to work at the front desk. We need someone who is comfortable discussing yoga and has 6 months experience in practice, is comfortable with computers and phones and people and who truly feels passionate about yoga and Liberation! When you apply please put "Front Desk Position" in the subject line. Thank You!

insight yoga (posted 1/15)

Work Exchange @ IY involves the exchange of unlimited free yoga classes for working at the studio 4-6 hours per week. A few time slots are still available.

If you would enjoy participating, please contact info@insightyoga.com or call (626) 796-1102.

city yoga (posted 1/10)

Work for your yoga classes!

We are looking for Handyman, Marketing/PR

If you or someone you know is interested, please call Stephanie at (323) 654-2125 or stop by the front desk.