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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

give peace a chance

i received this email today from the people behind the peace is every step LA movement. since they're sponsoring a peace walk that marks the 4th anniversary of an event that has affected all of our lives in some way, i thought it worthy of a mention:

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to offer you two opportunities to Practice Peace this coming Saturday, March 17th. That day marks the 4th year of the Iraq War. In the morning at 9 AM there will be a special Peacewalk at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Koreatown. At noon we will meet in Hollywood at the scheduled public march and we will form a contingent of those who wish to represent the energy of "Create Peace By Being Peace: Practice Peace in Action, Speech and Mind". We hope that you will add your energy to ours by joining us for either of both of these events.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your circle and perhaps by printing out, posting and distributing the flyers posted at: peaceiseverystepla.org/peaceiseverystep/flyers.html

Thank you!

4th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion Peacewalk
Saturday, March 17th at 9 AM
International Buddhist Meditation Center
928 S. New Hampshire Avenue, Koreatown
(one block north of Olympic, one block west of Vermont)

The International Buddhist Meditation Center is sponsoring, in conjunction with Peace Is Every Step, the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Zen Center of Los Angeles, Americans for the Department of Peace and others, a special Peacewalk on the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. We will enjoy a peacewalk (“kinhin” in the Zen tradition) around Koreatown and return to the Center for traditional zen-style sitting, an eating meditation and dharma sharing. We will then take our energy of peace via the nearby subway to the march in Hollywood.

"Create Peace By Being Peace" Contingent at the Hollywood Peace March
Saturday, March 17th at 12 PM
Corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood

Let those who believe in Peace as a matter of spiritual consequence demonstrate the spirit of Peace together on March 17th in Hollywood. Please join us in walking peacefully behind a banner reading:

Create Peace By Being Peace
Practice Peace in Action, Speech and Mind

We will meet at the corner of Hollywood and Vine at 12:00 PM. Look for the “Create Peace By Being Peace” banner and the smiling, peaceful folks with brown “Peace Is Every Step” t-shirts. For more info and updates on the “Create Peace” Contingent please visit peaceiseverystepla.org/createpeace.html

Please note that we are not affiliated with the anti-war organizations who have organized the demonstration in Hollywood. The only views we endorse are those contained in this email and on our web sites.

the anti-war protest march in hollywood is being organized by ANSWER LA (act now to stop war & end racism) and will start at noon by the hollywood and vine metro red line station. the 1.2 mile march will end at the corner of hollywood and highland (where there's another red line station) and will be followed by a rally featuring a number of speakers plus a free live concert by ozomatli and jackson browne.

more information about the march and rally can be found at